K9 Service Dog training for a Human Environment
It can easily happen that a most important factor in training a dog for specialized applications is overlooked: The K9 Service Dog has to be integrated into a specific human environment. Every dog should uniquely be integrated into its Human System. Systems can be as widely apart as being a family pet cum personal protection dog, or being a key element of a security company’s services. Other specialized systems could include substance detection units like Explosives, Narcotics and Eco-products. Add to this dog being used for humanitarian assistance like search and rescue operations, and guide dog applications for the blind or deaf. Service dogs are also utilized for identifying medical conditions like different forms of cancer; and for therapeutically assistance for the elderly, autistic people, and other physiological conditions.
K9 Service Dog Training Approach
These applications require a scientific approach. In the training phase, outdated negative and/or forceful methods of training should be totally avoided. Training should be a structured scientific and positive process, aimed at uplifting and integrating the dog into its human surroundings. The scientific training approach enhances the human/dog interaction, resulting in a professional outcome.
K9 Service Dog Training Research
Research around K9 Service Dogs in a Human Environment dates back to the late 19th/early 20th Century – but in our complex modern society service dogs for specialized applications cannot be trained according to systems and techniques used during that era. Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy’s training techniques incorporate the role of both the Dog and Humans. Interaction between the Dog and its Humans plays a very important role in the training of the Dog – irrespective of whether it is being trained for Personal Protection, Security Applications, or other purposes mentioned supra. The Dog must become part of the system within which its Humans operate.