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012 734 4733

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Plot 82, Rayton

K9 Security Services for Africa

Many firms offering dog related security services claim to e able to deliver professional K9 security services for Africa through out the continent.  While it is true that some of these firms are situated in Africa, delivering professional K9 security services for Africa is no easy task – Africa’s security problems are uniquely African by nature, and cannot be measured by success overseas, or in a few isolated countries on the African continent.

Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy has been operating in and from South Africa since 1987, delivering K9 security services for Africa comprise:

  • Detection Services – including narcotics and explosives detection; Eco products detection like fresh or dried meat smuggling, and illegally exporting or importing endangered live species;
  • Training Services – for dogs as well as handlers, and especially dog and handler training as a team for a variety of applications.
  • Accommodation for trainee handlers in a well-appointed guesthouse situated in pleasant surroundings, offering full board and lodging services as well as all amenities associated with an upmarket guesthouse – right on the premises of the Academy.
  • Full transfer of the training technology and aids developed in our own laboratory, empowering the client to operate totally independent from Braveheart, thus facilitating continuation training.

Braveheart’s Chief Training Officer for substance detection dogs (narcotics and explosives) boasts a wealth of experience in training and handling mine detection dogs (MDD) as well as narcotics detection dogs (EDD).  He has worked in various African as well as other countries as a Substance Detection Dog Trainer.  Countries he has worked in include Mozambique, Nigeria, Siria, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.

For the best K9 Training Services for Africa, contact Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy today!

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