Email Address

Phone Number

012 734 4733

Our Location

Plot 82, Rayton

K9 Research on Narcotics (Drugs) Detection Dog Training

Advanced Research and Training

Leading the Way in Drug Detection

Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy is a world leader in training Narcotics (Drugs) Detection Dogs, exposing them to a variety of environments that simulate real-life situations as closely as possible. Our success lies in our commitment to research and training.

At Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy, we believe in Leadership through Research. We have developed the most advanced training aids in the world for narcotics detection, known as Braveheart Bio-strips. These were researched and developed in our own laboratory, situated on the Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy campus near Pretoria, the capital city of South Africa. Our Bio-strips enable narcotics detection dogs to get a clear, uncontaminated scent without any risk to the dog, its trainer, or handler.

“Our research-driven approach ensures that our narcotics detection dogs are equipped with the safest and most effective tools for their crucial work.”

John Greyvenstein

Innovative Solutions for Accurate Detection

Cracking the Code of Drug Detection

Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy has cracked the code to identify specific substances, irrespective of their combinations. This breakthrough is vital as many street drugs contain mixtures of different narcotic substances. Our advanced training methods minimise false identification and enhance accuracy.

Illegal narcotic substances include cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, mandrax, cannabis, methamphetamine, tik, CAT, nyaope, and whoonga. Contrary to popular belief, the suitability of a dog for substance detection depends on the individual dog, not the breed.

Trusted Solutions for Drug Detection

Global Applications and Recognition

At Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy, our research and training programmes are designed to achieve excellence in narcotics detection. We focus on creating highly effective teams of dogs and handlers through continuous innovation and development.


Applications Across the Globe

Applications Across the Globe

Braveheart-trained Narcotics Detection Dogs can be utilised in any country or region. Nations around the world face significant security problems due to drug smuggling through border posts, which wreaks disaster and chaos and ruins young lives. Our dogs are successfully utilised in diverse countries globally, contributing to their security and stability. Our trained dogs help prevent the financial and political compromise of countries by effectively detecting illegal substances.


Established International Reputation

Established International Reputation

In 2014, Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy introduced the results of their research on training aids for narcotics detection dogs to the international media. Since then, we have received extensive positive media exposure internationally due to the high standards achieved through our developed Bio-strips. Our scientific research and professional training are the cornerstones of our success, earning us an established reputation worldwide.


Safe and Effective Training Aids

Safe and Effective Training Aids

Our Braveheart Bio-strips enable narcotics detection dogs to receive clear and uncontaminated scents without risking harm to the dogs or their handlers. Traditional aids containing raw narcotics can shorten the active life of a detection dog by damaging their olfactory cells through repeated exposure. The Bio-strips cannot be abused if they fall into the wrong hands, ensuring safety and effectiveness in training.

If You Need Help, Contact Us Now!

Insights into Our Narcotics Detection Research

Related Questions

We understand you may have questions about our K9 Research on Narcotics (Drugs) Detection Dog Training. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions to help you gain a better understanding of our innovative work.

Braveheart Bio-strips are advanced training aids that provide dogs with a clear and uncontaminated scent of narcotics without posing any risk to the dogs or handlers.

Advanced Techniques and Training

Watch Our Narcotics Detection Research in Action

Check out these videos from our YouTube channel to see our K9 Narcotics Detection Dog Training in action. Witness how our research and innovative training methods are setting new standards in the field of drug detection.

Learn More About Our Advanced Techniques

Get in Touch for Narcotics Detection Research

Have questions about our K9 Narcotics Detection Dog Training or need more information? Fill out the contact form or reach out using the details provided. We’re here to share our expertise and innovations with you.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

08:00 AM - 16:00 PM





Braveheart Location & Contact Details