Email Address

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012 734 4733

Our Location

Plot 82, Rayton

K9 Research & Development

Breakthroughs in Detection Techniques

Cutting-Edge Research in K9 Training

Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy boasts its own research unit and specialised laboratory, headed by owner John Greyvenstein, who holds a BSc (Zoology) (Hons) and an MSc in Genetics. His MSc thesis was dedicated to Working Dogs. The research unit made a significant breakthrough in 2005 in the detection of narcotics and explosives by sniffer dogs, enhancing accuracy and safety for both handler and dog.

By developing training aids that contain a small amount of vapour of the target substance, Braveheart’s team tames dangerous substances like explosives and narcotics. These aids are not dangerous to trainers or dogs and cannot be abused. Proper precautions ensure they are protected against contamination and securely stored.

During international trial runs, resounding success was achieved with both the preparation and testing of training material, and the training and assessment of dogs and handlers. The new technique was successfully demonstrated during an Open Day at Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy on 10 June 2005, showcasing narcotics detection dogs trained in less than two weeks.

Innovative Solutions for Narcotics, Explosives, and Eco-Product Detection

Transforming K9 Detection through Cutting-Edge Research

We are pioneering advancements in K9 detection through rigorous research and innovative training methods. Our laboratory, located near Pretoria, South Africa, has developed groundbreaking techniques for narcotics, explosives, and eco-product detection. Led by John Greyvenstein and Dr. Fanie van der Walt, our team ensures that our detection dogs are equipped with the safest and most effective tools. Join us in setting new standards for K9 detection capabilities.

K9 Research Explosives Detection Dog Training

K9 Research Explosives Detection Dog Training

Equipping dogs with cutting-edge Braveheart Bio-aids to ensure the highest standards of accuracy and safety. Our comprehensive training and innovative research prepare dogs and handlers to face real-life threats effectively.

K9 Research on Narcotics (Drugs) Detection Dog Training

K9 Research on Narcotics (Drugs) Detection Dog Training

Our cutting-edge research and advanced training programmes ensure our narcotics detection dogs are equipped with the safest and most effective tools. Our innovative Braveheart Bio-strips provide clear, uncontaminated scents, minimising false identification and enhancing accuracy.

Research on Eco-product Detection K9 Dogs

Research on Eco-product Detection K9 Dogs

Our pioneering techniques and rigorous programmes ensure our K9 detection dogs are highly effective in combating cross-border smuggling and protecting ecological and economic stability. Ready to safeguard your environment with precision and innovation?

K9 Research-Laboratory

K9 Research-Laboratory

Our state-of-the-art laboratory, led by experts like John Greyvenstein and Dr. Fanie van der Walt, is at the forefront of developing innovative and safe training aids for sniffer dogs. By adhering to stringent safety standards and utilising groundbreaking techniques, we ensure our K9 detection dogs are equipped with the most advanced training methods.

If You Need Help, Contact Us Now!

Insights into Our K9 Research and Development

Related Questions

We understand you may have questions about our K9 Research and Development. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions to help you gain a better understanding of our innovative work.

We conduct research on explosives and narcotics detection, ecological substances detection, and the development of advanced training aids and techniques for sniffer dogs.

Innovative K9 Training Techniques

Watch Our Research in Action

Check out these videos from our YouTube channel to see our K9 Research and Development in action. Witness how our groundbreaking research and training methods are making a difference in the field of K9 detection and training.

Learn More About Our Innovative Work

Get in Touch for Research Enquiries

Have questions about our K9 Research and Development or need more information? Fill out the contact form or reach out using the details provided. We’re here to share our expertise and innovations with you.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

08:00 AM - 16:00 PM





Braveheart Location & Contact Details