During the festive and holiday season a lot of people go on vacation or just relax at home. During this time their dogs need to be kenneled or stay or stay with family or friends when they leave on vacation.
When dogs are taken away and out of their environment, where they are adapted to, it induces stress on the dogs. Owners must take care and ensure that the place where they take their dogs to have qualified personnel to take care of their dogs.
For whatsoever reason a lot of fireworks are used during this time which can be very terrifying for the animals. This then is a added stress factor on the animals.
We at Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy urge people who make use of fireworks to use it responsible and to take into consideration and respect animals near to them. Owners staying home with their animals must ensure that their animals are safe and comforted by them during this time.
We wish you all a prosperous 2010 and lots of happy hours with your dogs.
Braveheart Bio-Dog team.