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012 734 4733

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Plot 82, Rayton

International and Local K9 Dog Training

Braveheart leads in International and Local K9 Dog Training

Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy, situated near Pretoria, the Capital City of South Africa is the world leader in International and Local K9 Dog Training.

International & Local K9 Training
International & Local K9 Training

Approach to International and Local K9 Dog Training

Central in our approach to International and Local K9 Dog Training is the fact that our scientists conduct extensive ongoing research in our own fully equipped, professionally staffed laboratory situated in the grounds of Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy. This research does not only facilitate the initial training of the dog, but also continuous advanced training.

 Research regarding International and Local K9 Dog Training

Especially for specialized applications like Explosives Detection Dogs, Narcotics detection dogs and eco-products detection dogs, advanced Braveheart training aids have been developed in our laboratory. Our ongoing research facilitates new breakthroughs, like switching from pseudo odors to real authentic odors; leading to improved accuracy and a higher ratio of detection. Other research regarding International and Local K9 Dog Training involves how to maximally utilize the dog’s nose (smelling) capacity.

International & Local K9 Training the dog
International & Local K9 Training the dog

Using simulation for International and Local K9 Dog Training

For International and Local K9 Dog Training, Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy has also created various environments simulating real-life environments in which the dog may be required to operate: warehouse; crates, boxes and suitcases; areas populated by people; indoor and outdoor; countryside tracking; and more. This process facilitates articulation between the Training and Application functions, ensuring a higher level of applied competency, and enabling functional decisions.

International & Local Training - Real life
International & Local Training – Real life

Dog Handler Training in relation to International and Local K9 Dog Training

In our next blog, we shall be looking at the importance of creating a professional Dog and Handler team as part of International and Local K9 Dog Training.

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