Theories about K9 Dog Genetics
Over the years there have been many theories about how the domestication of dogs took place. Some people believed that the dog evolved from a jackal-like animal which became extinct; others believed that dogs descended from the Pariah dog which still roams wild or semi-wild in North Africa, the Middle East, and India. The most likely theory was however that the Dog came from the Wolf. The latter has now been proved genetically.

The role of K9 Dog Genetics since the split of Dog and Wolf
With the publication of the dog genome in 2003, scientists could finally confirm that dogs descended from wolves. Most of the recognized breeds today originated less than 150 years ago, although it is estimated that dogs and wolves split from each other 15 000 to 40 000 years ago. However, to date only around 0.04 percent of the dog genome has evolved.
K9 Dog Genetics Groups
Based on the classification of the genetic relationships of the modern dog breeds, it was established that there are only two major groups of dog breeds: One group are genetically more similar to wolves. They are however not from one region, but include dog species as far apart as Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Siberia, and Alaska. The second group comprises the majority of modern breeds, referred to as dogs of “European origin”. Although the two groups look and act differently, only a few genetic differences are responsible for these differences. Even after 150 years of genetic separation, the differences among breeds of Europe are barely detectable.

K9 Dog Genetics Groups have few cognitive differences
Physically, there are vast differences between dog species, so one would think that they have different genetic profiles. However, only a small number of genes are responsible for the wide physical variations between dogs. Based on these facts, the default hypothesis is that there are very few cognitive differences between various breeds – disproving the general belief that certain breeds are famous for certain types of application.

Why this blog about K9 Dog Genetics?
Braveheart Bio-Dog Academy takes all relevant factors into consideration to ensure that we match the right dogs with the right owners/handlers. As our motto says: Leaders through professional research.